sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

V for Vendetta

In the year 2038, Britain has become totalitarian, ruled by the Norsefire regime. The story follows Evey Hammond, a young woman who is rescued from state police by a masked vigilante known as "V". He shows all her ideology to him and they share her life a time. He finishes for shaft makes it suffer the point that she deals and tries to help him in his aim: to destroy the parliament on November 5. By means of a messages for the television and the diffusion of her disguise for the whole population, it provokes the confusion in the authorities, and though finally he dies, she fulfills the aim.

V for Vendetta!

Computers have made the world a better place.

It’s evidence that the computers make better the world; we only have to do think in the world before of the computers.

On one hand, the computers make more easy the work, they let control the machines and the companies have to have the minimal workers to control the computers. It’s one advantage to win more money. Also, they can keep a lot of information in a minimum space, not as the books. And if we can develop specific programmes we can apply in a lot of other things and sciences.

On the other hand, the computers don’t let develop more the intelligent of the people. More over they spent a lot of first matters like the mercury or plastic, that comes fo the petrol: nowadays is expensive because there aren’t a lot.

In conclusion, I think that the computers are a good instrument for the society and the world to do a lot of things.

Is humour necessay to survive?

Humour is a quality which takes a lot of importance in our daily life.
For exemple, when you have sot bad experiences, different types of humour like laughing a little bit helps you a lot to forget the bad experiences, and it will help you to fell better. Also, people who tend to smile more than others seem more positive and it semms that they are the bosses of the world, because it seems like bad things can it affect them. Finally,¡ it's confirmed and proved that people work better if they are in a good mood that in a bad one. And this can be confirmed, because I've proved it a lot of times.
Although humour is a a great sense there're some situations where you can't laugh and you have to take the things serious because they aren't funny.
In conclusion, I believe that humour is essential in our life to survive, but we've to take care in some situations because it isn't always appropiate to take things in a funny way.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Citi dodges bullet

Government will guarantee losses on more than $300 billion in troubled assets and make a fresh $20 billion injection.


The U.S. federal government on Sunday announced a massive money rescue for Citigroup, the latest banking giant that has failed in the past week.

The plan have two important features:

First, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will give $300 billion to the bank.

Second, the government has injected $25 billion into Citigroup as part of the $700 billion bailout passed by Congress in October.


miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Hi Gemma!
I'm Daniel and this's my e-mail!
Well, I was born in Figueres the 23th of september of 1991. Now I live in Ampuriabrava and I must go with car to study to the IES Castelló d'Empúries every day.
My level of english isn't the best, but I think that if I work hard like the other years, I can improve and pass the terms with a normal mark!
So, I'm ready to do all the thinks that I can!

See you!

-I can not see any mistake, so it's okay. But I can improve the level of may english!

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008


1- watch your presentation and answer the following questions:

NAME & TOPIC: The life in 19th century and it's exemple in the film(of Pride & Prejudice).

-Did you use any resources? Were the recources elegant and attractive? Yes, we use the power point which I tink that make more elegant the presentation.

Body lenguage and eye contact:
-Did you look at your audience most of the time? I have been looking at the audience almost all the time.
-Did you read from your notes? Sometimes.
-Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes, I did some gestures with the hands according with what I was saying.

-Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, first the important information, and after the examples.
-Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? Yes: In relation with the previous thing, but, and, in general, also, normally, the second topic, the next topic.

-Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Yes, I introduce things of the century that they can not underestand and for this reason after they ask me it, for exemple the work in relation with nowadays.
-Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet/books...? Yes, the majority of information is of internet.
-Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? Well, the our topic was really extensive and we explained the most important to underestand the life in this century, but we said concret things that are curious and original like the food that they eat.

-Did you use check your grammar? Yes, some irregular verb and times that I didn't remember.
-Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes, new words like bred (criada), horses cart (carro de cavalls), domestic devices (aparells domestics), top hats (sombrero de copa), etc.
-Did you use sentences linkers? Yes!(I put examples in a previous question: also, normally, but...).
-Did you use fillers? Yes!(I put examples in a previous question: well, for example...)

Pronunciation & Intonation:
-Did you know how to pronunce all your words? Did you ckeck a pronuntiation with a dictionary, a classmate, or a teacher? Yes I know, because I practise the pronuntiation with a english teacher before.
-Did you change your tone of voice or use monotone tone all the time? did you speed in a fluis continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Yes, sometimes I change my tone. Also, I have had some interruption, of course!

-You are your teacher! what mark did you get? Sincerely, a 7 or 8!

2- Now it's time to improve for next presentation. Write down a literal transcription of your presentation.
Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes?

Hello class! I'm Daniel and he's Eudald, and today we will explain the life in 19th century and it's exemples in the film. Possible aspects: jobs, technology, housing, clothes...


Wel, the technology:
In relation with the previous thing, the industrial revolution was still in development and there are machines that made more easy the work.
But in the houses there isn't a technology as the electricity, domestic devices, cars, and all the commodities that we can have nowadays(/today:in the moment I corrected).
In the film we can see that the family Bennet have candles and not light bulb, and they use horses cart to move.
Hear you can see a horses cart of the 19th century.


In general, the houses of 19th century were big, with a lot of rooms and windows, one only for the lecture, the ceilling was high, and normally was plenty of decoration: paintings, furniture, etc.(bad pronunciation of two words)
Also, there were gardens in front of the entrance with a lot of plants or trees.
But that could be different deppending on the propiety house anies of poor people, like te family Bennet, or rich people that had a lot of luxury, having more bedrooms and breds and bigger gardens.
We can see in the Charlote's house and the information that say Mr. Collins when tehy arrive to the house that the windows was expensive, they have one bred for person...(some interruptions)
Normally, this houses were in the fields or around the cities, but in the cities there were apartments, normally smalls, where the poor(break)people lives and who worked in the factories.


The clothing:
In the 19th century the clothes were different: apart from cotton shirts, the men's clothes were trausers, waistcoats and coats/jacket. The people usually wore hats. The wealthy men wore top hats, like Mr Darcy. The people... The middle class men wore bowler hats and working men wore cloth caps like the breds of the house of Bennets.
The women wore light dresses(bad pronunciation), and broad skirts. Also, the women started wearing underwear, "roba interior".



The countries and the crisis

The G20 want make a economic plan to confront the crisis.

But, divisions have emerged between Europe, which wants stricter market rules, and the US and other countries, which prefer more moderate reforms.

the president Bush said "This problem did not develop overnight and it will not be solved overnight, but with continued cooperation and determination it will be solved,", but Europe and the other important countries don't want quick solutions.

So, the negotiations continue!
-BBC News